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Rise Above 8 Week Challenge - Gold

Initial Payment & Subscription

Initial payment
A$ 150 for 14 days
A$ 75 / Week

Let's start creating your new healthier & happier Fitness Lifestyle in only 8 weeks

  • - Initial assessment consultation
  • - Mindset coaching
  • - Exercise programming.
  • - Flexible Dieting Coaching - Calorie & Macro recommendations.
  • - Access to meal recipe library.
  • - Supplement recommendations.
  • - Flexible Dieting guide.
  • - Weekly progress & adherence check ins (email)
Rise Above 8 Week Challenge - Premium

Initial Payment & Subscription

Initial payment
A$ 200 for 14 days
A$ 100 / Week

Let's start creating your new healthier & happier Fitness Lifestyle in only 8 weeks

  • - Initial assessment consultation (30 min video call)
  • - Mindset coaching
  • - Exercise programming
  • ** Personalised daily meal plans
  • - Access to meal recipe library.
  • - Supplement recommendations.
  • ** Guide to optimising your hormones.
  • ** Weekly progress & adherence check-ins (plus fortnightly 15 min video call).
Lean For Life Online Coaching

One Time Payment

A$ 900 for 10 weeks

Sick of feeling tired and stressed? Always spinning your wheels struggling to lose weight? It's time for change!! Regain your mojo!!
Using a proven formula, discover how to implement new positive daily habits to create a lifestyle 180!! You'll quickly realise you don't need to be perfect to see results and it doesn't have to be as hard as you might think!!

  • App access